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Western Australia

Western Australia

Western Australia
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docks in Freemantle, rainbow
docks in Freemantle, rainbow
picture selection: Western Australia
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lighthouse, Rottnest Island
lighthouse, Rottnest Island
Rottnest Island
Rottnest Island is just called 'Rotto' by the 400 natives. It is about twenty kilometers
off the shore and has a length of five by eleven kilometers. The Dutch Willem de Vlamingh
explored the island in 1696 and called it Rat's Nest, because he thought that
the wallaby like quokkas were rats. The island was
used as a prison for aborigines in the 19th century and was later used for recreational
purposes by people from Perth. The best possibility to explore the island is by bike.
Note that it is a duty to wear a helmet while biking in Australia.
see travel diary