Axel's Korea- homepage

send pictures of Korea!

deutsche Version

to main page of Korea

step #1: select a picture
Select one of the pictures via radio button. You can only choose one picture. Click on a picture in order to see it in original size.



Pibong Mountain rice field 'child in horror' Ulsanbawi Rock
buddha monk Seoul Tower Yuksam Building
tax office stop-sign temple roofs Pulguksa-Temple
sitting man reading waterfall fruits fishmarket in Pusan



step #2: fill in name and e-mail
Please fill in your name and e-mail adress as well as name and e-mail adress of the receiving person.

Important! the receiver's e-mail adress!

your name:
your e-mail adress:
receiver's name:
receiver's e-mail adress:


step #3: select text and background colour
Use pulldown menus and select appropriate text and background colour. Take care that you use two different colours.

text colour background


step #4: fill in headline and message
Please don't use quotation marks! HTML-tags will be ignored...



step #5: fill in final greetings
  • kind regards
  • best wishes
  • ciao!



step #6: preview or delete
Now you're finished! Click on the preview/send button to go ahead or on the delete button to cancel.

NOTE: Going ahead you will automatically switch over to the German version. Click the "Absenden" button to send the postcard.